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  • How much do you know about Russian customs

    Russia has a kind of mystery in the eyes of most countries, which can be understood but not fully understood。Like a famous person once said, if we just use reason...

  • Singapore skilled immigration application requirements analysis: must first obtain employment permit

    European and American countries have raised the immigration threshold, many people began to look to Asia。Singapore is known as the "Garden City" because of its comfortable living environment...

  • Singapore EPE Visa introduction

    EPE visa is the Singapore government to absorb all kinds of overseas professionals to work, develop and settle in Singapore to fill the local professional talent resources in Singapore...

  • A brief analysis of visa policy of investor immigrant in Singapore

    Singapore's investment immigration policy mainly has two types of investment projects to choose from, which are divided into the Global Business Investor program and the Financial Investor program...

  • Japan's secularized "Tao" -- tea ceremony, flower ceremony

    "Tao" in Confucian culture refers to the supreme reason between heaven and earth, so the Chinese always hold a kind of sacred worship mood to talk about Tao, but few dare to claim that they have...

  • Korean holidays

    New Year's Day: Family reunion New Year's Day, send the old to welcome the new festival, usually put two days off。Spring Festival: Every lunar New Year's Day, young people pay New Year's greetings to their elders and lead the pressure...

  • History and culture of Singapore

    The name Singapore is derived from Singapura, meaning "lion city", when a Sumatran prince first set foot in Singapore...

  • Overview of Japan

    Japan is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean off the east coast of the Asian continent。The East Sea, the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk and China, North Korea,...